About the project

The project concerns the creation of social media promotion campaigns, the design and production of printed material and the elaboration of design and development of a tool for benchmarking and marketing of visitable caves of the Municipal Public Benefit Enterprise of the Municipality of Prosotsani within the approved cross-border project , promotion and exploitation of caves “and acronym” My Caves “.

This project identifies the significant number of important natural habitats and the existence of various sites of special aesthetic and environmental importance that are found in the cross-border area. Also, the caves are a unique and vulnerable part of our natural and archaeological heritage and at the same time they are the natural comparative advantages of the cross-border area. At the same time, there is a lack of planning and implementation of actions that will enhance the sustainability of the caves and will attract as many visitors as possible.

Thus, the main goal of the project is to integrate innovative methods of high quality and modern equipment to make the caves of the cross-border area attractive for tourist destinations. In this way, the project will make efforts to create integrated tourist destinations, in order to combat the stagnant growth trends and low challenges in the field of tourism capacity that prevail throughout the cross-border area. The project also aims to create collaborative activities and actions, so that through communication, exchange of knowledge, know-how and good practices and joint actions the two countries contribute to increasing the number of caves in the cross-border area by more tourists, but and raising awareness of all aspects of the importance of cave conservation and their importance as sites of natural heritage and scientific interest in the cross-border area.

The project will be implemented in collaboration with the following partners who have entered into a Partnership Agreement:

Municipality of Nea Zichni (Lead partner),
Alistratis Cave Management Company SA,
Municipal Public Benefit Enterprise of the Municipality of Prosotsani
Tourist Organization “Karlak” (Tourist Organization “Karlak”) of Bulgaria
Rodopeya Tourist Association of Bulgaria